IRMS Exam 2023
The syllabi for the IRMS qualifying papers and optional subjects will be same as that of the Civil Services Examination (CSE).

UPSC will also conduct the Indian Railway Management Service (IRMS) Examination from the year 2023 onwards, Ministry of Railways has announced.

According to the press statement made by the Ministry of Railways, consultation was made with Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) and Department of Personnal and Training (DoPT) of the Government of India. Thereupon, it has been decided that recruitment to The IRMSE will be a two-tier examination. A Preliminary Screening Examination, and a Main Written Examination will be followed by an Interview.  All eligible candidates shall be required to appear in Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination for screening the suitable number of candidates for the 2nd stage, i.e. the IRMS (Mains) Written Examination.

Indian Railway Management Service IRMS Exam  2023

Accroding to the Ministry of Railways, the IRMS (Main) Examination will consist of 4 papers. It will be a conventional essay type written paper in the subjects set out below:

  1. Qualifying Papers

Paper A– One of the Indian Languages to be selected by the candidate from the Languages included in the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution.            – 300 marks

Paper B –  English                                                                 – 300 marks

  1. Papers to be counted for merit

Optional Subject ‐ Paper 1                                                    – 250 marks

Optional Subject ‐ Paper 2                                                    – 250 marks

  1. Personality Test                                                          – 100 marks

Also, a List of optional subjects has been given, from which a candidate is to choose only one optional subject

  1. Civil Engineering,
  2. Mechanical Engineering,
  3. Electrical Engineering
  4. Commerce and Accountancy.
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According the information provided, the syllabi for the IRMS qualifying papers and optional subjects will be same as that of the Civil Services Examination (CSE). The candidates of Civil Services (Main) Examination and IRMS (Main) Examination may appear for both. He/she may opt for any of the optional subjects mentioned above for both these examinations or choose separate optional subjects for these Examinations (one for the CSE (Main) and one for the IRMSE (Main) as per the schemes of these two examinations). While the age limit and number of attempts for various categories in IRMS will be same as those for the CSE.

IRMS aspirants should have a Degree in Engineering, Commerce, or the Chartered Accountancy, from a University incorporated by an Act of the Central or State Legislature in India or other Educational Institutes established by an Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as University under Section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956.

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