In a meeting with Iran’s Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution in Tehran, the Iranian Supreme Leader said that Islamic Revolution’s constructive work and creative movements have led to major accomplishments in Iran.
The revolution of 1979 has changed the false presumption of “We can’t” that prevailed in society prior to the Revolution, said the Iranian Supreme Leader, Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei.
“By observing and recognizing the weaknesses and false ideas in the culture in different areas, the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution needs to provide wise solutions for propagating correct, bettering concepts.” Said Ayatollah Khamenei

Iranian Supreme Leader referring to the presence of experts in the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution said, “Despite the elevated, high status of the individuals present in this Council, the collective identity of the Supreme Council has not demonstrated itself in the way that is required. Ayatollah Khamenei added that “It is necessary for the Council to strengthen its influence in the country’s cultural affairs. Of course, the members of the Council have other jobs and it is not expected that they refrain from undertaking their main duties. However, we expect that they allocate a suitable, adequate amount of time for the Council’s affairs.”
Ayatollah Khamenei while reminding about his statement last year during his meeting with Iran’s cabinet said, “What is meant by ‘structure’ is the cultural structure of the society and the mentality and culture that governs it. In one word, it is the culture that people in society base their actions on in their individual and collective lives.”
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei also emphasized that the method of cultural guidance by official organizations is different from cultural guidance by NGOs and grassroots organizations.
Ebrahim Raisi, the Iranian President was also present at the meeting. He stated that the main mission of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution is a restructuring in scientific and cultural fields. Iranian President pointed out that the reform document of this Council has been finalized, and he gave a report on the measures taken in the new administration, including pursuing the revolutionary reconstruction of the cultural structure.