According to internal correspondence and interviews with multiple high-level sources within the company, all these tools and barriers are created without the knowledge of the users of the platform.

These barriers and tools for moderators can prevent specific tweets and topics from trending or limit the visibility of entire accounts.

According to internal correspondence and interviews with multiple high-level sources within the company, all these barriers and tools for moderators are created without the knowledge of the users of the platform. This is when Twitter has repeatedly made public assurances that the microblogging company does not “shadow-ban” users, especially for their “political viewpoints or ideology.” People have given some interesting comments on a news report on a Russian media platform.

Suddenly the media reports have started surfacing that social media platform Twitter has created a series of barriers and tools for moderators. These barriers and tools can be used to prevent specific tweets and topics from trending, or to limit the visibility of entire accounts.

A user named 46biolabs says, “In the minds of westerners, this is alright because Twitter is a private company and as such, it has the right to remove or allow whatever it wants on its servers.” He further adds, “That’s why they always refer to their enemies personally and in “state” terms. Putin’s war, Putin’s regime, Assad’s militias, state-sponsored doping, state censorship, etc. The west outsourced the same activities to contractors and organizations because saying Putin’s war in Ukraine sounds far worse than saying the US war in Iraq, and state-sponsored doping sounds far worse than individual doping cases. They know how to downplay their criminal actions and how to criminalize and exaggerate the actions of others.”

Another user name Archangel Michael reacts, “And the US accuses others of Censorship? Hypocrites.”

Similarly, as a user named Cl K-berg, reaction to barriers and tools for moderators says, “Brava Elon. Let it flow, let it flow let it flow. tra la laa. At last, some real, good tidings, for men women, and children across the world.” Cl K-berg doesn’t stop here. He further adds, “Not father Xmas, nor his dirty coal-soiled bag of gifts could ever trump this pivotal moment in time. The exposure of the truth. And that dear friend of humankind, is what “free speech” is all about. Freedom to Annunciate the Truth.”

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Jjackston Burg says, “Western lie machine never stops.” And the user Rea adds to it, “They put people in solitary confinement using invisible tech walls. It’s exactly the same as a concentration camp. They do it to try to keep corruption in control of the world. They are terrorists.”

Meanwhile, the new Twitter owner Elon Musk has announced that “Twitter will soon start freeing the namespace of 1.5 billion accounts”, that have remained inactive for years.