Room to Read India proudly wraps up its fourth annual flagship girls education campaign, Har Kadam Beti ke Sang, with a resounding success. This years campaign, themed Me and My Digital World, focused on empowering and asserting the rights of girls in the digital sphere. Aligned with G20 commitments and the Digital India Act, Har Kadam Beti ke Sang 2023 emphasized girls fundamental right to access a safer cyberworld.

Empowering girls in the digital age

Spanning across eight Room to Read Intervention states, including Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Telangana, and Uttarakhand, the campaign resonated nationwide. Through innovative initiatives in schools, communities, and shared spaces, Har Kadam Beti ke Sang 2023 highlighted the potential of digital platforms to empower girls and young women.

The campaign underscored the crucial role of parents, teachers, and elders in bridging the digital divide by guiding and encouraging girls to explore the digital world confidently.

A standout feature was the Kishori Mela, where stakeholders united to raise awareness about digital safety and ethics, enabling girls to utilize digital platforms for their empowerment. The event featured engaging activities such as poster making, knowledge dissemination corners, skit performances, and screenings of life skills empowerment videos to promote awareness about cyber safety and digital rights.

Nini Mehrotra, Associate Director of the Girls Education Program at Room to Read India, expressed her views on this vital initiative, stating, “Since 2005, when Room to Read India started its Girls Education Program, our mission has been to break biases and create opportunities for adolescent girls. Me and My Digital World is a bold step toward challenging biases associated with girls and their use of digital spaces.

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Another remarkable feature was the formation of five girl member committees, Bol Behan committees, in schools. These dedicated girls played a pivotal role in raising awareness and driving action towards the campaigns noble cause.

Har Kadam Beti ke Sang 2023 signifies a big stride towards promoting girls education and their active participation in the digital world. Room to Read India remains committed to fostering a future where every girl can confidently embrace the digital age.

About Room to Read India

Room to Read India was established in 2003 and presently has programs in eleven states – Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Delhi NCR, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Telangana, Uttarakhand, and Uttar Pradesh.

Room to Read is a global organization transforming the lives of millions of children in low-income communities by focusing on literacy and gender equality in education. Since 2000, Room to Read has benefited more than 39 million children across 23 low-income countries.

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