Magic of Sourdough: Master baker T.K. Khaleel's Quest for that Perfect Recipe

T.K. Khaleel, the esteemed Indian master baker (Founder and Managing Director of Artisan Bakers and former Managing Director of Bakemart) has dedicated over four decades to honing his skills in the world of baking. His passion for bread has led him to the magical world of sourdough and to reach the rarefied heights of excellence in creating sourdough recipe which, till he breached it, had been an uncharted territory for Asian bakers. The rest, as they say, is history.

NRI Master Baker T.K. Khaleel receiving Puratos Sourdough Library Certificate of Achievement from Karl De Smedt, Puratos’ sourdough librarian, for exhibit no. 128 among Global bread legacies, Brussels

Khaleels exceptional recipe is now preserved at the world-renowned Puratos Sourdough Library in Brussels, the only library of its kind in the world.

For the record, Khaleel created his versatile sourdough recipe, which has earned him the highest recognition in the field of baking, some sixteen years ago.

Today Khaleel is one among more than hundred bakers worldwide who have submitted their unique sourdough cultures to the Puratos Sourdough Library, recognizing the importance of safeguarding their legacy and livelihood.

Khaleels sourdough starter, which is Exhibit No. 128, is the culmination of his devotion to his art and his love for creating outstanding bread. He is the only Asian baker to hold this title, which is traditionally held by European bakers. This is a testament to his hard work, creativity, and the rising recognition of Asian bakers in the industry.

The Puratos Sourdough Library takes great care to store and preserve these valuable sourdough cultures. With over 1400 wild yeast and lactic bacterial strains recorded, every new addition is examined and tested for microorganisms. The authentic sourdoughs are maintained in perfect condition in refrigerators set at 4C/39F and refilled every two months with the original flour, simulating the settings of the original bakery.

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Khaleels passion for sourdough has not only resulted in an exceptional recipe but has also served as a source of inspiration to others in the field. He is constantly updating his techniques and staying abreast of new methods and innovations, which has resulted in bread that is on par with the best in the world. Khaleels inventiveness, variety, and unparalleled product quality have made him an inspiration to the Middle Eastern baking business.

Khaleels journey is a testament to the power of passion and hard work in the field of baking. His dedication to sourdough has earned him a place among the worlds best bakers, and his contribution to the Puratos Sourdough Library is a source of inspiration to bakers worldwide. While the art of baking may be centuries old, innovators like Khaleel continue to drive its evolution and success.