Durex The Birds and Bees Talk (TBBT) collaborated with the district administrations in Arunachal Pradesh and Mizoram to celebrate respective Statehood Day, and spread awareness among the adolescents in each state. Also, TBBT inaugurated the Jiribam Public library-cum-reading space in Manipur in collaboration with Jiribam District Police.
Durex The Birds and Bees Talk (TBBT) collaborated with the district administration Namsai and Department of Women and Children and Mahila Shakti Kendra for the district-level celebration of the 37th Statehood Day. Organized at APIL General Ground Namsai, the programme included Regional Resource Centre students from Arunachal University performing a skit on adolescent substance misuse and issues faced during their growing up stage.
TBBT teamed up with various departments to ensure maximum reach of the awareness messages to the children and adolescents. The theme of the skit including important topics of growing up life skills such as consent, inclusion, protection, awareness and equity and was well received by the authorities, who appreciated the efforts of TBBT towards making children responsible and helping them grow as healthier and happier adults.
Ms. KS Umbon, DDSE Namsai, appreciated TBBTs awareness work in various schools of the district and teachers online training. She talked about the benefits of the programs being carried out by TBBT about the bad touch, good touch, etc, leading to increased awareness in kids breaking the existing taboos in society. Ms. W Khimhun, CDPO Namsai, appreciated the TBBT skit and the messages that helped people understand the problems faced by children and adolescents.
Ravi Bhatnagar, Director, External Affairs and Partnerships, SOA, Reckitt, said, "Our program aim to empower adolescents with important life skills, which play an important role in shaping the future of youth and adolescents. While growing up, youth face health issues that get affected by behavioral, psychological and social factors; and through our interventions, we ensure to focus on their over health and well-being."
Durex The Birds and Bees Talk (TBBT) chipped in with a mission-filled celebration of Mizoram Statehood Day at Hermon Childrens Home, a shelter and educational center for kids. The land of hills, valleys, and rivers celebrated 36th Statehood Day with programs organized across the state; TBBT chose the occasion to spread awareness, consent, protection, knowledge, equity, and inclusion so that they can become healthy and responsible adults.
The celebration started with the introduction of TBBT from the State Coordinator and Block Coordinator, followed by a paper presentation from Miss Rebecca Lalnundiki, Clinical Child Psychologist- Child Development Centre Aizawl, where she talked about the different life skills of a child. Chief Guest Rev. JH Zaikima talked about the importance of hard work and dedication by giving examples of successful people who grew up in shelter homes.
The celebration continued with a song performance by Singer/songwriter Chali of Evenflow, where she sang "Little Child" followed by a session on Child Protection, Rights, and Duties through TBBT pillars of awareness and protection. The state teams, guests, and children had a wonderful day celebrating Mizoram Statehood Day.
Jiribam District Police inaugurated The Jiribam Public library-cum-reading space at old Sub-Jail, one-of-a-kind initiative in the state taken by the District Police Department powered by TBBT. The library was inaugurated in the presence of the Deputy Commissioner, Superintendent of Police, Commandant of CRPF, Zonal Education Officer and other district-level officers. The inauguration was attended by Chief Guest Shri Kshetrimayum Ravikumar Singh, (IPS), Superintendent of Police, Jiribam, Malemnganba Chenglel, Deputy Commissioner, Jiribam, Guest of Honour Shri Huidrom Premjit Meetel, Commandant, Jairolpokpi and Smt. Zonal Education Officer, Jiribam District.
Durex The Birds and Bees Talk (TBBT) collaborated with the district administrations in Arunachal Pradesh and Mizoram to celebrate respective Statehood Day, and spread awareness among the adolescents in each state. Also, TBBT inaugurated the Jiribam Public library-cum-reading space in Manipur in collaboration with Jiribam District Police.Durex The Birds and Bees Talk (TBBT) collaborated with the district administration Namsai and Department of Women and Children and Mahila Shakti Kendra for the district-level celebration of the 37th Statehood Day. Organized at APIL General Ground Namsai, the programme included Regional Resource Centre students from Arunachal University performing a skit on adolescent substance misuse and issues faced during their growing up stage.TBBT teamed up with various departments to ensure maximum reach of the awareness messages to the children and adolescents. The theme of the skit including important topics of growing up life skills such as consent, inclusion, protection, awareness and equity and was well received by the authorities, who appreciated the efforts of TBBT towards making children responsible and helping them grow as healthier and happier adults.Ms. KS Umbon, DDSE Namsai, appreciated TBBTs awareness work in various schools of the district and teachers online training. She talked about the benefits of the programs being carried out by TBBT about the bad touch, good touch, etc, leading to increased awareness in kids breaking the existing taboos in society. Ms. W Khimhun, CDPO Namsai, appreciated the TBBT skit and the messages that helped people understand the problems faced by children and adolescents.Ravi Bhatnagar, Director, External Affairs and Partnerships, SOA, Reckitt, said, "Our program aim to empower adolescents with important life skills, which play an important role in shaping the future of youth and adolescents. While growing up, youth face health issues that get affected by behavioral, psychological and social factors; and through our interventions, we ensure to focus on their over health and well-being."Durex The Birds and Bees Talk (TBBT) chipped in with a mission-filled celebration of Mizoram Statehood Day at Hermon Childrens Home, a shelter and educational center for kids. The land of hills, valleys, and rivers celebrated 36th Statehood Day with programs organized across the state; TBBT chose the occasion to spread awareness, consent, protection, knowledge, equity, and inclusion so that they can become healthy and responsible adults.The celebration started with the introduction of TBBT from the State Coordinator and Block Coordinator, followed by a paper presentation from Miss Rebecca Lalnundiki, Clinical Child Psychologist- Child Development Centre Aizawl, where she talked about the different life skills of a child. Chief Guest Rev. JH Zaikima talked about the importance of hard work and dedication by giving examples of successful people who grew up in shelter homes. The celebration continued with a song performance by Singer/songwriter Chali of Evenflow, where she sang "Little Child" followed by a session on Child Protection, Rights, and Duties through TBBT pillars of awareness and protection. The state teams, guests, and children had a wonderful day celebrating Mizoram Statehood Day. Jiribam District Police inaugurated The Jiribam Public library-cum-reading space at old Sub-Jail, one-of-a-kind initiative in the state taken by the District Police Department powered by TBBT. The library was inaugurated in the presence of the Deputy Commissioner, Superintendent of Police, Commandant of CRPF, Zonal Education Officer and other district-level officers. The inauguration was attended by Chief Guest Shri Kshetrimayum Ravikumar Singh, (IPS), Superintendent of Police, Jiribam, Malemnganba Chenglel, Deputy Commissioner, Jiribam, Guest of Honour Shri Huidrom Premjit Meetel, Commandant, Jairolpokpi and Smt. Zonal Education Officer, Jiribam District.
Durex The Birds and Bees Talk (TBBT) collaborated with the district administrations in Arunachal Pradesh and Mizoram to celebrate respective Statehood Day, and spread awareness among the adolescents in each state. Also, TBBT inaugurated the Jiribam Public library-cum-reading space in Manipur in collaboration with Jiribam District Police.
Durex The Birds and Bees Talk (TBBT) collaborated with the district administration Namsai and Department of Women and Children and Mahila Shakti Kendra for the district-level celebration of the 37th Statehood Day. Organized at APIL General Ground Namsai, the programme included Regional Resource Centre students from Arunachal University performing a skit on adolescent substance misuse and issues faced during their growing up stage.
TBBT teamed up with various departments to ensure maximum reach of the awareness messages to the children and adolescents. The theme of the skit including important topics of growing up life skills such as consent, inclusion, protection, awareness and equity and was well received by the authorities, who appreciated the efforts of TBBT towards making children responsible and helping them grow as healthier and happier adults.
Ms. KS Umbon, DDSE Namsai, appreciated TBBTs awareness work in various schools of the district and teachers online training. She talked about the benefits of the programs being carried out by TBBT about the bad touch, good touch, etc, leading to increased awareness in kids breaking the existing taboos in society. Ms. W Khimhun, CDPO Namsai, appreciated the TBBT skit and the messages that helped people understand the problems faced by children and adolescents.
Ravi Bhatnagar, Director, External Affairs and Partnerships, SOA, Reckitt, said, “Our program aim to empower adolescents with important life skills, which play an important role in shaping the future of youth and adolescents. While growing up, youth face health issues that get affected by behavioral, psychological and social factors; and through our interventions, we ensure to focus on their over health and well-being.”
Durex The Birds and Bees Talk (TBBT) chipped in with a mission-filled celebration of Mizoram Statehood Day at Hermon Childrens Home, a shelter and educational center for kids. The land of hills, valleys, and rivers celebrated 36th Statehood Day with programs organized across the state; TBBT chose the occasion to spread awareness, consent, protection, knowledge, equity, and inclusion so that they can become healthy and responsible adults.
The celebration started with the introduction of TBBT from the State Coordinator and Block Coordinator, followed by a paper presentation from Miss Rebecca Lalnundiki, Clinical Child Psychologist- Child Development Centre Aizawl, where she talked about the different life skills of a child. Chief Guest Rev. JH Zaikima talked about the importance of hard work and dedication by giving examples of successful people who grew up in shelter homes.
The celebration continued with a song performance by Singer/songwriter Chali of Evenflow, where she sang “Little Child” followed by a session on Child Protection, Rights, and Duties through TBBT pillars of awareness and protection. The state teams, guests, and children had a wonderful day celebrating Mizoram Statehood Day.
Jiribam District Police inaugurated The Jiribam Public library-cum-reading space at old Sub-Jail, one-of-a-kind initiative in the state taken by the District Police Department powered by TBBT. The library was inaugurated in the presence of the Deputy Commissioner, Superintendent of Police, Commandant of CRPF, Zonal Education Officer and other district-level officers. The inauguration was attended by Chief Guest Shri Kshetrimayum Ravikumar Singh, (IPS), Superintendent of Police, Jiribam, Malemnganba Chenglel, Deputy Commissioner, Jiribam, Guest of Honour Shri Huidrom Premjit Meetel, Commandant, Jairolpokpi and Smt. Zonal Education Officer, Jiribam District.