In an attempt to bring behavioral changes among adolescent girls, pregnant women and lactating mothers in their day-to-day life, awareness sessions are conducted as part of My Health Project. Till date, total 94 awareness sessions conducted on Health, Nutrition, and WASH for pregnant women, lactating mothers and adolescent girls in the Bhandup ‘S‘ and Mulund ‘T‘ ward. The sessions have been conducted as part of My Health Project by People to People Health Foundation (PPHF) which is funded by GeBBS Healthcare Solutions and ground implementation support from Nirabhra Sustainable Development Foundation.
Volunteers from GeBBS Healthcare Solutions interacting with the adolescent girls from Mohammadi Urdu School, post awareness session on Importance of Nutrition
The key points of the sessions conducted for the adolescent girls were the importance of nutrients in our diet, anemia prevention, IFA tablets and menstrual health & hygiene. The sessions for pregnant women and lactating mothers were conducted in collaboration with the ICDS department where women’s Health, Nutrition, and WASH were prioritized. The experts conducted interactive sessions with the women on the significance of breastfeeding and complementary feeding after 6 months for children.
Nutritionist demonstrating importance of having five food groups in their daily diet through ‘My Plate’ activity
From December 2022 till March 2023, My Health Project has reached out to more than 2877 adolescent girls from 8 schools and about 2580 pregnant women, and lactating mothers from 58 Anganwadi centers across Bhandup ‘S‘ ward and Mulund ‘T‘ ward.
About My Health Project
In line with the Government of Indias initiative of Poshan Abhiyan and Anemia Mukt Bharat, People to People Health Foundation (PPHF) is executing My Health Project funded by GeBBS Healthcare Solutions along with ground implementation support from Nirabhra Sustainable Development Foundation in Bhandup T and Mulund S wards. The project has been effectively engaging adolescent girls for bringing behavioral changes in their day-to-day life by creating awareness of Health, Nutrition, and WASH. The project aims to contribute to improving knowledge and a call for action in adopting the appropriate health-seeking behaviors
About People to People Health Foundation
People to People Health Foundation (PPHF) is a non-profit organization that works towards transforming lives for improved health and well-being through locally-driven solutions. PPHF works closely with communities and key actors on sustainable solutions for public health challenges. These include: Women, Adolescent, and Child health| Non-Communicable Diseases | Nutrition | Infectious diseases – T.B., Malaria, COVID-19 | Environmental Health | It focuses on building public health capacity and community actions for better health outcomes. It works collaboratively with stakeholders, leveraging partnerships and influencing policies and practices.