The current economic scenario and repo rate revisions have made fixed deposits the perfect tool to invest in. Investors can get dual advantages from investing in this tool, the safety of their initial deposit, and the assurance of decent returns at maturity. These factors make it a highly preferred investment avenue. With multiple FD options available in the market, it can be hard to circle in on one. However, one must always keep certain pointers in mind while selecting their financial partner. A few of them include the credibility of the financial partner, FD rates, payout frequencies offered, and other special benefits.
Bajaj Finance is one such option that ticks off all the above-mentioned boxes. It is a highly reliable and reputed NBFC that offers one of the best FD rates available in the market along with a suite of other benefits like a loan against FD facility and online account management. Also, Bajaj Finance has recently revised its FD rates and hiked them by 40 basis points on selected tenures.
Earlier investors could earn up to 8.20% p.a. on their deposits when investing in an FD by Bajaj Finance. Now, they can yield returns up to 8.60% p.a. for special tenures. This can enable individuals to earn more on their investments.
Here are the revised higher FD rates (% p.a.)
Investor Profile
Older interest rates
Revised interest rates
Citizens aged below 60 years
Citizens aged below 60 years
Citizens aged below 60 years
Senior citizens
Senior citizens
Senior citizens
Investors can visit the Bajaj Finance website and use the online FD calculator to estimate their returns, even before investing. This feature also enables one to fine-tune their investments to their financial goals and desired results.
Apart from higher FD rates, investors can enjoy these additional features as well:
Flexible payout options
Investors can choose from cumulative and non-cumulative FD options. The cumulative FD is where one gets returns directly at maturity. With the non-cumulative FD option, one can choose the payout frequency to match their desired liquidity requirements. Investors can choose from monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, and annual payout options.
Loan against FD facility
Emergencies call for an unwarranted free flow of cash and breaking the FD seems like the only option in such situations. However, with Bajaj Finance, one need not worry about liquid cash emergencies. Investors can withdraw their money whenever they need it within minutes in the form of a loan against their FD. Get a loan up to 75% of the FD amount without liquidating investments.
Safety and credibility
The safety of funds is a crucial parameter when investing in an FD, and Bajaj Finance is accredited with AAA STABLE ratings by ICRA and CRISIL, indicating the highest safety.
Online process
With this 100% online and paperless process, one can book an FD at any time without having to stand in long queues. Investors can book FDs from the comfort of their homes with minimal documentation.
Armed with this information, one can now invest in a Bajaj Finance Fixed Deposit and enjoy higher returns on their deposits!